10% on your first treatment

-10% first treatment

Smart Ice Blue

What does it consist of?

It is a device that uses state-of-the-art technology to detect skin problems and recommend a customized treatment that suits your individual needs.

We offer seven different Smart Ice Blue treatments, from treatments to reduce wrinkles and improve skin texture, to treatments to combat hyperpigmentation and reduce enlarged pores. We also offer the option of combining several treatments for a more complete and lasting effect.

Advantages of Smart Ice Blue:

tratamiento belleza granada



V.A.T. included

(price and duration according to chosen treatment)

Smart Ice Blue in Granada

Smart Ice Blue collects detailed images of facial skin through a 10-megapixel high-definition micro-range camera. Through its intelligent diagnosis and the analysis performed by its engine, it will be able to go through 8 dimensions to detect skin problems, and according to the results of the program’s diagnosis, a personalized beauty treatment will be applied along with a series of professional products. The combination of these 7 techniques that comprehensively manage the skin combine the results of Artificial Intelligence skin diagnosis with skin care products.

If you want to try this new technology, do not hesitate to contact us!

7 aesthetic treatments in 1



Dirt suction system using distilled water and special preparations that descale the dirt and remove all dead cells and comedones.



Ultrasound paddle that uses vibrations to gently exfoliate the skin, and with the help of distilled water it emits ions that trap dirt and vibrations that expel it from the skin.



It is a radiation system that heats the water in the tissues by the friction of the waves it produces. Thus, fibroblast regeneration is faster and cell mitosis increases, resulting in regeneration of the skin’s natural collagen.


Cold hammer

Device that rests on the skin with gentle sliding movements and lowers the temperature to minus two degrees. With this system we aim to soothe the skin after an extraction, reduce dark circles under the eyes or close the pores to achieve a smoother surface layer of the skin.



It is a system that works through the micro galvanic current, which is very weak. It allows the application of certain cosmetic products with active ingredients of a high molecular weight to dissociate them by means of the ions produced by the current so that they can penetrate the skin, where once inside they will rejoin.


Active ingredient sprayer

System in which a glass pipette is filled with an ampoule or active ingredient that will be sprayed with force through the pressure exerted by the air mixed with the product on the skin. With this impact, the air and electrical barrier of the skin is broken and the product penetrates better.



With this system we will take different photographs of the skin to diagnose in a scientific way the amount of fat and water found in the corneal layer of the skin, and the level of hydration, spots, etc.

This will indicate the specific treatment for each patient.

What is Smart Ice Blue indicated for?

What are you waiting for to try it?